Colour play – Game over, start to finish

game over.

When the 3rd project of 2D was briefed to us, all i heard was ” you can do anything you want” and my mind immediately went on a mad rush to find ideas.

So this is my journey of how those ideas materialized, formed, changed and ultimately got stuck on a wall.

initial ideas.


I knew from the start i wanted to do Japanese inspired art work. but the only question was how.

so i started sketching out random ideas


i sketched out couple ideas and formed the first 3 equations, having an idea for my equations i moved on to the actual conceptualizing of each line



i borrowed multiple books from the ADM library regarding Japanese art. i started forming my back grounds with the different colours and textures.

here’s a screen snap of all the backgrounds put into one huge canvas to allow me to play around with the compositions once the subjects come into play.

First equation: the tiger rabbit.

AjbAjVKhD7nD3HgAav3-yo_j3XrpAwtOsH-ituzqO31t AgIT6pC9qN6Cm_1zGpe6Nn0aRIbYuhVqPEdBN32Ey9hA AvQMGqGuKtxTBGOl2RY935EXr5gKM-4EA9Dkv7nBO0CQ


This was the first equation i worked on as i had the clearest idea for this line.


the hardest part for this equation was how to put these drawings on to the traditional back ground.


it took a lot of Photoshop editing , playing with contrasts, brightness and saturation to blend the two together.


Even though the print came out darker than i had intended, i was quite pleased with the end outcome.


1tiger 1rabbit 1rabibit tiger


Equation 1: i may be timid at times, but when i need to be, i will be confident and courageous.

Second equation: Me & my demons.

DSCF9121 DSCF9120 DSCF9119

The second equation was the one i had the most fun with. i got to transform my self into Japanese demons/spirits, namely the Tengu, Oni & Kitsune.

i wanted to play with transparencies to show a contrast between me and my inner demons.the difficult bit was to decide the orientation  and the usage for the finals product, After much discussion with Prof Ina, we decided to go for a mix where the demons were in transparencies.



Perhaps given more time, we couldve worked out a better composition but im happy with how it turn out and looked on the wall.

2 demon 1 2 demon 2 2 demon 3

Equation 2: Child like playfulness without any evil intent.

Third equation: My hands & Me

3left hand 2 3right hand1 3joint 2

I wanted to include my love for doodling into one of my lines,  i doodled on my hand once before, so i worked onwards from there.


i worked along the lines where my left and right hand serves and allows me to do different things in my life.

i doodled away on my hands and felt like i was doodling for my own fun.3left hand3right hand


Equation 3: When these two different things come together, they complement each other.

Fourth equation:   Guard up, Pangolin.


The concept for this last line took the longest to conceptualize.

i only decided on this idea one night when i was heading back to ADM to finish up some assignments at 2am ,  i chanced upon a wild pangolin that was wandering around campus.  i googled pangolins and decide to use them as my subject for my last line.

My initial idea was to make a stencil as shown above. however it would block alot of the background so i decided to draw them instead.


The individual scales are adorned with different Japanese patterns ,

4 pangolin 14 pangolin 3 4 pangolin 2

Equation 4: In front of my friends, i let my guard down. but when i have to, ill keep my guard up.



I decide to use japanese words ad the text for my compositions,

i got assistance from my friend who’s friend’s mum has studied japanese calligraphy  for a long time.

Each equation has an accompanying Japanese short poem that corresponds to the English equivalent.




i spent the night(and morning) before submission day to assemble everything together.

Everything came together and i was glad how it turned out on the wall.



By far one of my favorite assignments given to me in ADM.

Author: Toby

A firm believer that hot desserts are not desserts.

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