Rhymes Final play – end –

“Adam & Eve  x Humpty Dumpty


after playing around with the compositions and images, i came up with these 4 images.  for the respective ine of the rhymes humpty dumpty.

each composition would have an accompanying line from the bible verse portraying that scene in the story of adam & eve.

rounding up the whole installation as a whole.


Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
 “Forsooth ever either was naked, that is, Adam and his wife, and they were not ashamed.”  Genesis 2:25


Humpty dumpty had a great fall
“… and she took of the fruit thereof, and ate, and gave to her husband, and he ate.” Genesis 3:6

All the king’s men and all the king’s horses
 “…for all thing that Adam called of living soul, that is the name thereof.” Genesis 2:19
Couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together again
“And the Lord God sent him out of paradise of liking, that he should work the earth, of which he was taken.” Genesis 3:24



rhymes play – 2 – exploration phase








Humpty Dumpty  X  Adam & Eve.

I decided to explore adam and eve in the context of humpty dumpty, where the unity and innocence at the dawn of human kind is depicted as a hypothetical circle.

“humpty dumpty sat on a wall”

this “circle” would then be broken when adam and eve eats the forbidden fruit, thus introducing sin to the world, breaking the innocence that was once there. this would then be porayed as the second line of the rhyme

“humpty dumpty had a great fall”

When god created animals, he gave them to adam to name, thus it can be accepted that adam is then the KING of all the animals, horses included

“all the kings horse and all the kinds men”

after the fruit was eaten, adam and eve were cast out of the garden of eden and henceforth forever attempt to put back the innocence that once was. but never ever be able to pot it back together again.

“couldnt put humpty together again”

Initial Compositions:

the compositions below explore the ideas for the first two lines, playing around with the use of monoprints in the back ground.






compo 1

"humpty dumpty sat on a wall"

compo 2

"humpty dumpty had a great fall"

Rhymes play – 1 – Humpty Dumpty = unity

The circle: an ancient and universal symbol of unity, wholeness

I decided to work on the rhyme humpty dumpty, a few of the images i found are showcased below.

for humpty dumpty, i wanted to have a concept where i would base my compositions on. this are some of the ideas i have explored:

-humpty dumpty as the symbol of unity and, and when broken, anyone in the world, regardless of ethnicity cannot put him back tgth again.

-humpty dumpty representing the neutral equality of men, where the phrase comes in ” all men are created equal” once broken, people segregate into hierarchies,and even thought some peoplel try to fix the hierarchies, it will never ever go back to the beginning of time where everyone was truly equal. might go on to explore adam and eve, where at the start of time, adam and eve were equals.

-humpty dumpty symbolizing the unified korea. where broken as it is now, seems impossible to reunite given the social and political tension going on now within the 2 countries.

these are just some few ideas i have researched and explored on, with more research i would pick a concept to go for and work with it in my compositions.
