Rhymes Final play – end –

“Adam & Eve  x Humpty Dumpty


after playing around with the compositions and images, i came up with these 4 images.  for the respective ine of the rhymes humpty dumpty.

each composition would have an accompanying line from the bible verse portraying that scene in the story of adam & eve.

rounding up the whole installation as a whole.


Humpty dumpty sat on a wall
 “Forsooth ever either was naked, that is, Adam and his wife, and they were not ashamed.”  Genesis 2:25


Humpty dumpty had a great fall
“… and she took of the fruit thereof, and ate, and gave to her husband, and he ate.” Genesis 3:6

All the king’s men and all the king’s horses
 “…for all thing that Adam called of living soul, that is the name thereof.” Genesis 2:19
Couldn’t put humpty dumpty back together again
“And the Lord God sent him out of paradise of liking, that he should work the earth, of which he was taken.” Genesis 3:24