Typo play – 03 – Final.


These are my final 4 compositions, along with their accompanying short story/explanation.


zmall 01A pizza is ultimately just flat bread. But it is what you put on top of the pizza that gives it its character. If you put vegetables on top, it becomes a vegetarian pizza.  Likewise if you chose to put pineapples and ham, it becomes a Hawaiian pizza. 

With that in mind, I am a pizza because I want to be as versatile as the pizza, whatever situation or "topping" I"m put in, I want to be able to adapt to it and do my best. No matter the circumstance.
zmall 02
The most expensive koi fishes fetch for a few thousand per fish or more. But what many people do not know is that when a pregnant koi fish gives birth, there are thousands of eggs, but only 1% or less actually mature enough and have the right patterns that are meticulously selected to be kept to be the top 1%.    

In the art industry and being in an art school, I do feel like a koi at times. I feel like a baby koi fish, jostling with everyone else to be that 1% that actually makes it and gets to do well in the art industry.
zmall 03Turtles and tortoises can feel when their shell is touched. they have nerve endings to let them feel contact, However, pain nerve endings are absent in the shell of turtles and tortoises, meaning they cant feel pain on their shells. This is where the terrapin differs from its close relatives. Similarly terrapins have nerve endings on their shell to enable them to feel. However, terrapins actually do feel pain if their shell is hurt. 

Personally, I would much rather have a shell that can feel pain, than a shell that can't. Ideally, I would want to be able to protect myself when I need to, but also be aware of whats hurting me on the outside.
zmall 04When sushi is mentioned, many people immediately think of it as a Japanese dish. However, surprisingly it did not originate from japan. It actually came from china, the rice was initially not meant to be eaten, but meant to preserve the fish that was inside. Once it spread to japan, with the ingenuity of the Japanese, it began to flourish and become an iconic Japanese dish recognized world wide today.

I say I am a sushi as personally I like Japanese art way more than Chinese art. So, much like the sushi, I may be chinese, but I would like to one day explore much more japanese art and culture and flourish in that area. Much like the humble sushi did when it spread to japan.

Typo play – 02 – Inspirations


For my final submission for this typographic portrait assignment, I had an over arching concept of them looking good as a whole when put together in a group of 4 compositions.

I found my inspiration for these ideas from instagram. (see, social media ain’t all that bad). And those works by various artists really pushed me to emulate the same feel they portrayed with their instagram feeds.

zref 3 zref 1 zref 2

Typo play – 01 – the trails and errors.


When this project was briefed, I never expected it to push me as much as it did. But at the end of it, I am truly glad that it did.

Throughout this project, I had many many ideas, some were alright, while others were mediocre at best and the remaining few… lets just say they will never see the light of day.

As mentioned during my presentation, this was my first attempt at dabbling with Photoshop,  and looking back from the start of the project, I have really learnt a lot. People mention that the fastest way to learn is to get straight into it and learn as you go.  Personally it held true for this project and I really learnt a lot.  And i have this project to thank for that.

I attached a few ideas and compositions of mine that didn’t make it to the front-lines of critique day but nevertheless they helped me along the way.

So here they are, in all their unabashed glory.

suhsi tobii1
suhsi tobii2 suhsi tobii3 zushi     These were the few test runs I had before I decided on my final piece. These sushi pieces served as a launching pad for me to play around with Photoshop. It as the first idea that set of a chain reaction that inspired the other 3 pieces of my final submission.
  tobii shipping yard 1     This idea was based on the line of "I am a shipping yard" where i explored the possibility of using the shipping container of different colors to form my name.
water 2    For this composition, I played around with water and "painted" water on a piece of acrylic to form my name in an organic look. I added my pet terrapin at the corner to make the composition more interesting.
The original intended line for this was: "I am transparent."
fish     I didn't use this composition as try as i might I couldn't come up with the desired effect that I was looking for. I was trying to make the scales form a pattern naturally occurring in fishes. but in the end it just looked like someone was shinning a light on the fish to form the words. so I decided not to use the idea.
SHOE     This composition almost made it to the final critique. Actually, it could have made it to the final composition. But I was under the impression that we only could put 4 up on the wall and the rest were to be put up on OSS. If not for that, with a bit of editing and touching up this would've made it to the final critique.

    The idea of this composition was a play on the fact that I like running and sports in general, hence the use of a sports shoe. A rather direct link that might not have gelled well with the final 4 in terms of concepts,
die     This was one of the most subtle ones. which is why I chose not to use it in my final submission. I considered using a different colour for the dots on the faces of the die that had my name but it still didnt stand out that much.
1.mountain 1     This was one of my initial favorite compositions. unfortunately it did not come off too strongly in terms of concept and didn't fully fulfill the design brief. I attempted to work on the further for quite a length of time due to how much i liked this composition. But i could not come up with anything that would fit well. 
     The original line was: "I am and mountain"
porcelain 1
tobii 2
tobii 1     I worked quite hard on this composition and had every intention of using one for my final submission. But somewhere along the line after i did the sushi piece, i decided to go with the over arching concept of a solid colored pastel back ground. So sadly this piece was pushed back into the shelves of forgotten work. 

    The original line for this was: "I am chinese." 
With the use of chinese porcelain and painting.