Assignment 04

I’d like to write a little about this assignment because this was the most challenging one out of the four and it made me learn some things that I’d like to note down in point form here before I forget.

1. Time pressure affects my quality of sketching — Stress affects markings.

2. Time pressure need not affect my quality of sketching — With a good understanding of time management and being able to appreciate the little amount of time I have to sketch, I should still be able to take efforts to maintain the basic principles of proportion and perspective.

3. Drawing 30 heads of different angles of the same person is not easy both in terms of result and in accepting that I am weak in certain poses of the face — It is necessary to accept my lack of skill so that I am not rash and hasty in my mark making. I must remember that observing the object comes before my ego as an artist.

4. Accept that I am human with a limited amount of energy — Rushing for time, I drew quite a number of heads in one seating. It caused me to lose stamina, and with the loss of energy it was difficult to overcome the mental boundaries that limited my way of observing and marking down effectively what i observed. This is also why time management is necessary.

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