Everything’s Better With Sprinkles
Everything’s Better With Sprinkles

Oh, Sprinkles. They’re the life of the party, they  bring the fun to funfetti, and they (literally) add colour to everything they touched. Have you wondered what is the magic sprinkles made of? We weren’t expecting a list brimming with fresh product, but we weren’t expecting hard-to-decipher mystery items either. 

Process of thought : The image depicts the issue of food safety in our society. Pills sprinkles on top of the pancakes signifies the overuse of antibiotic in the fast food industry. For decades, antibiotics have been given to healthy food animals to help prevent the diseases they might contract in crowded, unsanitary factory conditions. This practice significantly contributes to  antibiotic resistance,  in which the bacteria that can cause illness don’t respond to drugs, rendering them ineffective.