2D : Research on given Mark making artists

  1. Rorschach Test : It is a psychological disturbance test

    They are ink blots that are recorded to analyze ones personality, characteristics and emotional functioning.
  2. Cy Thombly : Painter, sculptor and photographer

    He paints graffiti – like scribbles and uses European and American culture to create a fresh new concept for his work. My favorite work from his is ” Moderna musect, stockholm “.
  3. Yves Klein : The inventor of Klein blue

    His works uses human bodies to imprint on his canvas with his signature Klein blue he invented himself.He is a post-war artist thus using peoples bodies, he wanted it to leave an imprint.

    So even when the person dies they get to leave a mark in the world literally.

    He also does photography with people falling forward from an edge.

    [1] Sources:
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorschach_test
    – https://www.google.com.sg/search?q=Rorschach+Tes&oq=Rorschach+Tes&aqs=chrome..69i57.445j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
    – http://theinkblot.com/step_1.htm

    [2] Sources:
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cy_Twombly
    – http://www.theartstory.org/artist-twombly-cy.htm

    [3] Sources:
    – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yves_Klein
    – http://www.theartstory.org/artist-klein-yves.htm
    – http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/04/arts/design/04klein.html

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