3D: Box Sketch Analysis (Part 1)

Chosen word : Asymmetrical

Applying the principal of the axis on my models helps to enforce the term asymmetrical. Understanding the meaning of symmetry also helps to make the model more obvious.


1) I wanted to show how the left and the right side is really different although the center is a symmetrical line. The two other boxes are the ones creating the contrast between.

2) For the other box I wanted the middle box to be the symmetrical model, while the other 2 do not line up with the other at all. Making it asymmetrical when you see it from the sides.

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2 thoughts on “3D: Box Sketch Analysis (Part 1)”

    1. Okay, thank you for the feedback.Will do a re-take and add the lines and markings in my photos to make my analysis clearer as suggested in this weeks lesson. 🙂

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