4D: Project 3_ Impossibilities of Being (Coffin)

Final Animated Video:


What the word coffin means to me.

Instead of just playing with space and the word literally.
I decided to add my own take on it.

The girl you see in the video are my feelings that I want to kill off.
Like sadness, envy and anger. All represented by colour.

Next is the method of killing them off. Coffins could be sunk, buried or burnt.
These are how I felt when I try to get rid of my feelings.

Emotions are not something one can control and thus, there will be a struggle when one tries to kill it off.

Thus that is why there are a few more girls that look the same. Those are other emotions trying to send the unwanted emotion off.

The heartbeat represents, the life of the feeling trying to live.

The audio represents the emotions train of thoughts like she felt calm when being sunk. But when she realised she was going to be killed, there was a stressful sound that created uneasiness.

The video could be looped over and over. This is intentional, as feelings can never die and no matter how many times one tries to get rid of it. It will resurface again somehow.

The start shows a darker achromatic value to show death.  While the end shows a brighter achromatic value meaning the that all the nasty feelings were cleared; a rebirth. However, she falls back into the coffin, to represent a new cycle.

  1. Colour
    • Achromatic – represent the end of something
    • Blue – calming but melancholic, represent sadness
    • Green – envious, fear, disgust
    • Red – anger, regret
    • White – clean, new, peaceful
  2. Audio
    • Sad
    • Calming but ominous
    • Uneasy
    • Panic
    • Silence just SFX
    • Horrifying
    • Relief

These sounds help to create the 3 act structure in the video.


Lo-Fi Storyboard:

  • Planning of composition
  • Sounds: BGM/SFX
  • Camera angles
  • Camera movements

Hi-FI Storyboard:

  • Colour script
  • Tone/Value
  • Lighting

Challenges: Solutions:
 Conveying the message  Using colours and symbolism to express the emotion
 Pace of the Video  Use build up to create the tension


Audio Layering

Adobe After Effects and Photoshop

Audio Credits:

Purple Planet – http://www.purple-planet.com/

Free Sound – https://freesound.org/search/?q=Rain

Voice Actor – Tricia (me)

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