Typographic Portrait: More WIP Works

This post basically contains the process of the book page making for the project.

Book Page in the making
Book Page in the making


Setting up for an experiment!
Setting up for an experiment!


Testing the effect of (1) how well the paper is after water is spread on it (2) the difference between using watercolour pigment itself (darker blue) and watercolour pencil (lighter blue)
Testing the effect of (1) how well the paper is after water is spread on it (2) the difference between using watercolour pigment itself (darker blue) and watercolour pencil (lighter blue)


Process Images (7)


Process Images (6)


Below are the snapshots of the compiled book pages unedited and edited, versions after versions.

(I would have put the original compiled images here but the file was too big)


With all these versions that I had, I came to a conclusion of what I’d pick for the final 4. (But of course still couldn’t actually decide!)

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