Tag Archives: concept refinement

Week 5: Further refinement

From the previous week, we have received numerous feedback to further refine our concept.

Firstly, we have decided to focus on the concept of students being the seeds of NTU.

From the feedback of the architectural model in NTU admin building, we thought of including lights to the buildings. The light will lit up indicating the different school/building, and revealing its location within NTU.

NTU Architectural Model in Nanyang Admin Building
Source: http://ecocampus.ntu.edu.sg/SiteAssets/Pages/Ecocampus-Tour/Image_020.jpg
An example of how we thought the buildings can light up within the NTU map
Source: http://www.modelmakers-uk.co.uk/content/images/enlargeimags/interactive-cardiff-model.jpg


Next, we looked at the different ways of interactivity, as well as it being informative as a whole installation.  Taking into consideration that the game installation should be idiot-proof and break-proof.

We started of with a basic source of inspiration and ideation with known games.
After certain elimination of concepts, we came up with new methods of interactivity.
Which narrows down to what we have refined so far..


Basically, the idea: An interactive map that uses magnet repulsion resulting in the seeds moving as a cluster around the map.

  • Making the buildings into magnets
  • Seeds made of metal
  • Names of the areas of the school around the map (outer ring/boundary)
  • When user touch that particular name of the area, the building lights up to show the location hence it works like a regular map
  • Someone touches the piece, it completes the open circuit and magnets are activated
  • Magnets repel the seeds causing the seeds to move in all directions

What we’re planning to work on further: to have a test piece of the concept that we have refined, to see the proof of concept.