Tag Archives: publication

Zine: Research


After POV, we some sort bring the project forward to create zine, a publication of our projects from this semester or the previous semester.

Zine inspiration tab

Having said that, I am going to include only the POV “masterpieces” for the zine because I feel it is way better than the other projects I did…. ever.

While researching for zine, it took me quite some time to figure out how I want my layout to be, how the zine will come about — like a book or like brochures (the 8 pages printed in 1 A3 and your folding begins).

I considered the second option though, but it got me thinking that my work will be shown quite small? So I am in the direction of the book-type. I got inspired with “clean cut magazine-ish” feel, suggested by one of the classmates, so I researched…


Taken from: http://achapeu.com.br/wp-content/files_mf/31259.jpg


Taken from: http://www.mr-cup.com/blog/editorial/2.html

Don’t you just love the simple layout of the 2 examples? (I DO…)