What is “sound gay”?


“Do I Sound Gay” is a 2014 documentary produced by David Thorpe, a journalist and film director. Thorpe documents his journey and efforts in changing the way he speaks, attributing a lot of his dissatisfaction in life to be due to the fact that he sounds gay. Within a couple of minutes into the documentary, Thorpe quickly establishes that sounding gay is a problem which needs to be dealt with in his life. He had recently broken up with his boyfriend, and somehow also blames the breakup on his sounding gay. Continue reading

Androgynous Culture in Japan


As the title explains, the source article and this commentary of said article is about the relatively recent rise of “androgynous fashion” in Japan. It is also deemed as a “genderless” fashion style since “androgynous fashion” cannot be immediately associated with any one gender (in the binary system), unlike the internalised stereotype we are brought up with that boys wear blue and girls wear pink. Before adding my own input on this (I would say) relatively well-written article, let me start by summarizing some of the main points. Continue reading