Category: My Work

Project 1: Que Sera

Hello everyone! For this project, we were to create typographic portraits using our name to describe our future job. This job referred to anything, which allowed for more creative exploration of unconventional jobs. We were told to think of our name as a shape, taking into consideration the choice of typeface, style, size, weight, spacing, capitalisation et cetera. The important thing was… Read more →

Project 2: Sequentially – Impossibilities of Being – No Dreams

Hi everyone! This is the final sequence of 90 images for this project titled “No Dreams”. The reason for this is because when I sleep, I never get dreams – only nightmares. One of my most prominent nightmares is me getting chased by Red Indians – usually the Indian Chief. The nightmare always begins with me in my bed about to fall… Read more →

4D Project 1: Picture Story – Curating Self

When we were first given this project, I felt rather daunted by the fact we had to take pictures of ourselves revealing our personality and character, especially since I am a little introverted. However, I did learn a lot from this project – not only about the technical handling of the camera such as how to effectively adjust the aperture or shutter… Read more →

3D Rectilinear Volumes Process

Hello everyone! Great job we finished our first 3D project! I honestly struggled a lot during this project, trying to understand the aspect of the Dominant, Subdominant and Subordinate – especially when we had to do a 2D sketch analysis on it. I was so confused with regards what should be halved or cut into threes, and how I could… Read more →

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