Project 1: Alter Ego – BTS

Hello Everyone!!

Originally, I wanted to do a BTS (Behind the Scenes) of my Alter Ego film, but after today’s soundscape / sound design class, I was pretty inclined to experiment with the footage I had to see what other mood I could create without using any dialogue (like what we were supposed to do in our films).

So this is what I came up with! Originally, as I was looking through my footage, I imagined one of the main soundtracks from the movie ‘Your Name’, but I came across this while trying to look for the track, and thought was really drawn to the soothing, seemingly melancholic mood it emitted.

All the footage in the video is raw! I didn’t feel like touching it beyond cutting clips here and there just for experimentation 🙂

Thanks for watching!!

~Veda 🙂

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