1 light

Put in one corner of the room with four walls, on the ground. An unlikely placement to create a form of interest in the setup.

10 lights 

One on all 6 planes, 2 on 2 corners on the ceiling, 2 on 2 corners at the bottom.
This is to spread out the 10 lights that might seem very little to place in a room.

100 lights

I would place them either in a pile in a corner or have them drop row by row from the ceiling and fall towards the ground and pool at that corner of the room and trickle across the floor as if it were water.


So the thing I thought about first was the donation tins that we use in school for public donations. I planned to put them into a little pyramid at the corner of the room. This would help highlight the importance of each and every tin.

Secondly, I thought of using the parking tickets we use to put in our car’s Dashboard. This would be stacked onto one another to make a fabric almost and I would drape it over a car and cast it in the form of the car. The parking tickets would have their timestamps cut out as well.

Thirdly, I thought about using was EZ-Link, the card we Singaporeans use for transport. If we were to use it for a Singapore Pavilion, I would place the EZ-Links levitating in space, in orientation as if there was an SBS/SMRT bus full of people and they left it on the seats. This would hopefully give the impression that everyone relies on this pretty little card and the orientation of the buses are important as well.

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