
I have decided that I still want to explore the topic of Hitler further, but I realised what was really interesting was the aspect of having an artist interact with his painting.

Possible titles for my zine:

World leaders in their paintings (a more catchier name perhaps?)

Beauty from the POV of Churchill (alcohol, Hitler dead, painting??, victory) and Hitler (animals, Aryans, clean country)

Man + Country + Paintbrush= This project



I brought this concept with me to class along with one composition I finished for Churchill’s funeral.

Group consultation notes

I first started off asking the group for their suggestions on how I could design my format, as all my compositions are landscape oriented.

  • Standard book format: I told them I wanted to 4 compositions for each world leader to highlight and juxtapose their qualities.


  • Accordion book format: I also told them about my other idea to have it in an accordion format such that Hitler’s compositions would start from the left and Churchill’s would start from the right, and they would eventually ‘meet’ in the middle.  Joy said she liked the ideas of them 

Conversely, Eugene suggested that I should both world leaders should not be ‘meeting’, and they should be on opposite sides- in a ‘calendar’ type of format, where Hitler would be in the front, and Churchill would be at the back. I thought it was an interesting suggestion, and I’m also considering doing that.


In the middle of all this, Jacob asked me who my target audience was, and I was taken off guard. I stared at him for a while then mumbled something along the lines of ” I want to show it in an art gallery- to be displayed..”, which doesn’t really make sense to me now.

I feel that the the nature of the zine allows you display your creativity out of the formal context, and an art gallery is rather formal- and works should be frames. I don’t know why I forgot to consider my target audience- which is an essential part of creating this zine- it affects the way you print and format your zine, your content- basically, everything.

So, I’ve been thinking a lot about that and I decided that my the content of my zine itself is quite unusual- world leaders interacting with their paintings (I’m not even sure how to classify that topic)

However, I don’t really have a specific  audience, but I think my target audience would generally be people who have an appreciation for art or history. Like for instance, those who love art but don’t really know much about history/ these world leaders  OR people who appreciate history and don’t really interact with art.

Either way, I want my zine to be thought provoking and somewhat amusing in the sense that these world leaders, who many don’t know are also artists- are interacting with their painting. And it will also be an added bonus if my audience finds it informative as well. Like Joy mentioned to me, does my zine have an education purpose or a viewing purpose/ making the audience question what is happening?










On the aspect of typography, i haven’t really thought it out yet, but with my collages being rather busy, I might want to keep it simple.


One of my friends also shared a website on font pairing, and it’s pretty cool and useful!

Canva’s Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing

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