Sound Art Interesting Finds

Milind Talunkar Performing Jaltarang

Jal tarang  is an Indian melodic percussion instrument. It consists of a set of ceramic or metal bowls tuned with water. The bowls are played by striking the edge with beaters, one in each hand.

what amazed me is that even the simplest stuff can play the melodic sound. Art is everywhere only if you are willing to explore.



Luke Jerram-Aeolus at The Eden Project – Acustic Wind Pavilion

Aeolus is a giant stringed musical instrument, An acoustic and optical pavilion designed to make audible the silent shifting pattens of the wind and visually amplify the ever changing sky. It at Eden until the 9th October and occupies a site on a hill close to a planting called Wild Chile.

Aeolus sonifies the three dimensional landscape of wind, using a web of Aeolian harp strings. Almost like cats’ whiskers sensitive to the slightest touch, the stings register the shifting landscape of wind around the artwork to be heard by visitors. The aim is for the public to be able to visualise this shifting wind map by interpreting the sound around them.

what is interest me in this artwork is that it is a combination of art and science. It present the nature ‘s power as well as the human’s intelligence.