VST_Project 4_The Golden Staircase

The news article link: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/art-student-returns-golden-staircase-to-grey-concrete

The Original News

An art student painted  a staircase with golden foil in HDB.  But she removed it eventually because of the pressure from the town council.  In order to memorize her work she left a small square of gold foil that was left on the bottom step of the stairs.

My Synopsis

From the staircase’s perspective to objectively depict the artist’s behavior before and after painting the staircase.

In the first consultation, our tutor told us that it would be better group members ‘ stories can  form a whole universe. So I decided to add in some hint that related to Ziqi ‘s story which is about a murder incident. Other than the artist I give an addition role in the short film — the journalist who is investigating the crime case.

Artistic Choice

I didn’t show the face of the artist intentionally.  Because I want the artist to remain in  mystery. The staircase is always a still object though it has its own thought. To keep the  whole story objective and mysterious, staircase’s narration is very vague but  thought-evoking.  I would like to give audience some space to imagine and shape the artist’s characteristic, mind status and motivation of painting golden foil on staircase.

There are two time status, one is current time (The golden foil had already been removed) and the other one is the time before the artist painting the staircase. I try to indicate these two different time period through whether there is  a small piece of golden foil on the last step of the stair.