design principles

01 unity/harmony


the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements function together

02 balance


arranging elements so that no one part of a work overpowers, or seems heavier than any other part

03 dominance/emphasis


is an area that first attracts attention in a composition

04 hierarchy


controls how the human eye perceives the order of the information on the page

05 scale/proportion


size of an object in relationship to another object

06 similarity&contrast


creates relationships that communicate meaning


lines into feelings;

to interpret emotions into black + white lines in different lineweights

step one: to know the definitions of each emotion


(emotion interpretation from self and google definition)

0-300-31 0-330-34 0-32

my first move was to associate the emotions to an object, to abstract out a part of the object

things like bottles for fragile, candles for sensual, aeroplane moving in the sky for turbulence came to mind

step two: draft 01


to let the creative juices flow and to let pencil meet paper. a draft

there were so many directions this could go to yet you can express one, up to your own interpretation. definitely an intimidating process, also something that requires time for the idea to be developed

step three: draft 02, or also known as exploration


(till the message/emotion of the drawing comes off as it is supposed to)

confidence level has increased

research: to think of the many possibilities (draft01 >> final >>- and some draft02)

  1. anxious: to show a gradual yet fast movement where someone gets agitated due to the amount of work or the pressure of being in front of people11-21-3

2. embarrassed: being caught in the act of doing something (wrong), cheeks flushed. inspired by the cell cheek and movement


3. bizarre: random focused location containing weird prisms to the thought of illusion


4. exhausted: (unchanged since the start) begins under the halfway mark at the front to show that energy level was already low and is falling downward to the end


5.  fragile: inspired by the movement of bones and how as time passes we get old and fragile, seen in the breaking and disintegrating of the bones

55-2 5-3

6. systematic: when i think of systematic/organized, in my mind i see neatly arranged cars at a carpark. the shape is derived from the sides of the carpark marking. when arranged, it forms a pathway

66-2  6-3

7. lyrical: to not only show the movement and flow in a music but also the softness of it (looking like leaves)

77-2  7-3

8. turbulent: chaos in the sky, explosions and big movements, ripple wave effect (aeroplane in the sky)



9. nonsensical: something that does not make sense, messy (swirls of neat and unkempt ones)



10. psychotic: a person with an unstable mind, unsure of his next action, portrayed in the sharp triangles in different thickness and sizes


11. ambiguous: no exact meaning, can be anything, vague (using stripes to highlight the shape but still unclear of the exact shape)

1111-2  11-3

12. distracted: person has very short attention span and leaves work undone, line was straight and complete but to the end it just got shorter and slant


13. sensual: pleasure, related to sexual, seen by the swaying movement of a candle’s flame


14. sloven: messy and untidy, changed over the drafts. final one was done using calligraphy ink and smudging the ink with my fingers and a few obvious thumbprints at the side to show carelessness

1414-2  14-3

15. spontaneous: ready to go, movement of a person getting ready, springing (huge change since the start, inspired by a spring moving)

1515-2  15-3

16. aggressive: someone who is strict on his beliefs etc. wants to get things done his way and wants the support of others (shown by the arrow and increase in size and thickness of the outline as it got towards the end)

16 16-2

17. awkward: does not belong, feels out of place (movement of an awkward person from one end of a room to another – to the sides and then hurrying as it reaches the middle)

17 17-2

18. indecisive: not being able to make up his mind (exactly what i was feeling when doing this) rubber stamps were used and it was all jumbled up, more question marks were repeated throughout the strip

18 18-2 18-3

challenges: struggled a little for emotions like lyrical, aggressive, nonsensical, ambiguous, and definitely could not make up my mind for indecisive, oh the irony..

0-490-470-500-540-510-53 0-550-56  022

step four: exploration in different mediums

019 018

(to get the texture and thickness/thinness)

ball point pens, ink pens (0.1, 0.8 etc), permanent market, calligraphy marker, black calligraphy ink and pen, stamp pads were used

012 011 010 009 008 007 006 005

step five: putting it all together

practicing on the A4 journal and doing drafts repeatedly on the worksheets proved to be very strategic as it allows me to visualise fully of the end result would be

took quite a long time to ensure that the design really speaks that emotion on the main paper

great assignment indeed!

here’s the 18 emotions on the A2 papers >>



from today’s short presentation/pin up 08sept2015:


it was nice to see the different variety in interpretation and use of mediums from the class!