my name is munn and i’m done

4 weeks to complete F2D’s first assignment and here’s the results

001 i love my childhood snacks




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the process of choosing the snacks brings me back to my childhood days where things were so much more laidback and easy.. (reference websites 00A 00B)

documenting the composition, then came consultation where the feedback was to inculcate my name as part of the composition itself. the alphabet biscuit just was not enough. so i decided to photoshop the main colours of the snacks and illustrate them and at the same time, removing the snack name just because the nostalgia still lurks at the back of our heads. and thus the process of overlapping began. stacking the layers of paper on top one another to create a fun pop up look.

002 i am a photographer for pre engagement shots

to show i’m behind the camera and the idea of being behind the screen to review the photos. name is formed using the couple’s poses, without the distraction of the background

a layer of tracing paper with the name outline to make it more apparent was also added











003 i am a risk taking explorer

exploring singapore/local explorer were some other similar attributes i had initially thought of but it’s only apt to add the work risk taking in front of ‘explorer’ due to the fact that local housing (HDBs) are people (or neighbourhood)’s territory, it does not belong to people who are not related or does not stay there. i have had an interest of photographing HDBs since a while back and to go to these type of places, it comes with many unwanted attention or suspicion from the people coming from the block. to place my name along the corridor itself makes me a little worried. for this project, the shadows of the text had been left behind while the real name had been removed. the block is showcased in layers too.


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004 i am a sentimental memory holder

inspired by neat filings, case files and school files where we had to organise our worksheets according to a certain subject, this last idea derived from working files and how random memories are held close to us. the things we have done in our lives and the tickets we keep, the things we write down in our schedule book once upon a time and the people who makes us happy. this was about that









overall it was a fun and exciting project that requires us to go deep beyond the things that we like and enjoy. it was a project for us to observe more and be creative.