Task 1A: Exploratory Research: What, Why, Who, and How

Issues and Challenges in the World Today

What are some of the current issues confronting our world today? Amongst them, what is of interest and a cause of concern to you?

Q: Why is the issue important? Who does it affect and how?

As a child born in the late 90s, I grew up in an environment where my parents were part of Gen X, who were brought up by Baby boomers. In a typical household, our parents are very strict and very conservative manner. For the majority, our parents are seen as a  disciplinary figure and were always taught to do the right thing, but we were never taught how to feel our emotions and how to act upon them.

We have always been taught to be rational, to get deep down to the root of the problem and resolve the issue. Over the years, it seems that we have grown up to only know that “I am angry, I am sad, I am happy” but we have never got to figure out why we are feeling in this way.


Based on research, The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), had three different reviews regarding the effects of applying social-emotional learning

Children who exhibit social and emotional difficulties tend to have trouble following directions and participating in learning activities.

Read the full article at  https://casel.org/impact/

Thus, children’s social and emotional health is just as important as their physical health and affects their capacity to develop and potential to lead a fulfilling life.

Children learn by observing other people, getting ideas about how new behaviours are formed, and using the ideas to guide their actions

Teachers can promote children’s social and emotional health in many ways, for example, by organizing a material-rich environment to stimulate social interactions among children. This article focuses on two of the most important practices: building trusting relationships and conducting intentional teaching.


Q: Who do you need to communicate to, and why? 
Targeted audiences:

My targeted audiences would be the generation of teenagers that are in transition growing up to be the generation of parents. The reason for splitting them into 3 different is because I felt that that for the emotional education to take off requires cooperation from the education of both the teenagers hand in hand with the upcoming parents.

Reasons for segregating the groups

If older adults emphasise emotion regulation in their everyday functioning, this should be reflected in age-related differences in self-regulating strategies.

At the age of 12-17, it is the introduction phase where events begin to take place and they start to feel more feelings than they are 4 years old. At the age of 18-22, I felt that it is a very personalised journey where everyone experiences a very different situation and react differently. This is the time they should slowly experiment and get to know themselves better and tricks to handle themselves. At the age of 23-20, this is the age where newlyweds start family, they need to be educated on the emotions they feel towards marriage, the change of lifestyle, how to cope with the new emotions that are presented infant of them. As well as how they can help, prepare themselves for their future children’s emotional education journey.

Q: How has Visual Communication contributed to address the cause?

Comics strips, artworks that depict a day to day relatable situation allowing the audiences/reader that felt the similar feeling or in a similar situation would be able to better understand how the author came to her balance and solving her emotion problem after she recognises and accepts the way she is a highly sensitive person.

Often then not, when an individual feels very emotional, what they usually need is a listening ear, someone that has empathy and being able to understand a tiny little bit of what they are feeling and understand that it is totally vert normal to feel that way.

Link to the artwork and article: https://www.thelily.com/learning-that-im-a-highly-sensitive-person-helped-explain-my-struggles-as-a-parent/

The mother is aware of her emotional needs helps her to be able to identify the issue behind her crankiness and then learns how to cope with what she is having through emotional education and awareness. Just simply being aware she is able to juggle her relationship with her daughter and knowing that is neither her or her child’s fault when she feels overstimulated.

Link to the artwork & article: https://www.thelily.com/i-often-say-i-am-doing-fine-when-i-am-not-heres-why-i-am-committing-to-being-honest-about-how-i-feel/


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