Week 13 Prep Work

Photos I took in Pioneer MRT Station for composition at first.

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When I got the topic, I first considered drawing different people living in Singapore happily, and I thought public transportation  would be a good background as many different people are around. Therefore I drew some drafts in MRT and buses.

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Finally, I decided to draw the MRT station and divide the paper into two parts, the one on the left represents the old generation came from the past and the other part represents the new generation heading towards the future. The MRT trains represent the connection between the two generations.

Then I drew the first rough draft with the Pioneer MRT Station as the background and circled the places I wanted to draw different people later.


After that I practiced different human figures with different poses including young man, little kids and the old.

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Later I elaborated my first draft with details about the MRT station and the exterior of MRT trains. For the  train on the left hand side, I searched the pictures of old MRT trains and drew according to it. For the train on the other side, I chose the one with more modern outlook.


Then I drew the final draft.
