Category Archives: Research

ECP Underpass— Survey Results, Insights & Approach

Project Development Update


  1. We conducted a survey of 61 respondents to further investigate the general feelings of using the ECP passageways, problems faced, and their interest on improvements.
  2. Survey Results gathered showed underlying common problems and themes we would like to address and qualitative answers also gave us a better understanding of problems highlighted.
  3. Several Insights and observations lead us to our Approach for solution—On top of ambient lighting improvement, we would also propose to incorporating graphic and illustration into a cohesive way-finding system.
  4. Moodboard
  5. Stakeholders & Possible Collaborations with Public Art Fund
  6. Storyboard and script for proof of concept film (Work in Progress)















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Perspective: tensions & complex behaviors

Design Fiction (Challenges of smart home devices) 

We live in an increasingly technologically mediated world; this project looks at the challenges of smart devices that are designed to deliver to replace human care givers.

The ubiquitous future of the application of smart objects are gaining popularity; many devices are designed as objects/robots to connect, network and promote and keep track of tasks and certain behaviours. In this research example Superflux Lab explored the context of elderly healthcare and remote tracking. The concern behind it is to reflect on how some of the more complex human behaviors affect the effectivity of these design experience and address some of these questions:

  1. As physical objects in the home become embedded with increasing smartness and autonomy, what relationships do we form with them? 
  2. What role does human agency play in a world where mundane objects and environments begin to gain a level of agency and autonomy? 
  3. How will smart objects and devices influence the rhythms and routines of our lives, and ours to theirs, and how will this in turn change our cultures, beliefs and preferences?

I thought that the key questions they raised for their research are interesting and might be applicable to our projects, if not they are stimulating to think about too.

Research —

Find 3 examples of a product/project that you think are good examples of thoughtfully designed user experience. Be prepared to support your choices.

  1. MEMO — Medication Memory


MEMO is a simple approach to turn daily medication into a more pleasant experience, using light, motion and sound as guidance. It finds a good balance between having proper medication on time, maintaining an independent life and also de-stigmatise as a medical device with thoughtful user experience, integrating into daily life.

MEMO also notifies relatives in case the person did not take his/her medication through an app; allowing them to keep track and intervene in cases of emergency.

2. Paper Planes World


an experiment that seeks to bring people together by sending digital paper plane(s) around the world, strangely giving users some sense of connectivity in this digital world.

One of the best multi-platforms and mobile-compatible project; the developers and designers looked into many aspects and enhanced user experience with its tilt sensor function, fullscreen, multi-touch, vibration, sound. The experience is quite calming and doesn’t drown one in an overflow of information. It also gets strangely addictive after a while of folding planes, catching others’, feeling connected and throwing it out again.
