Tag Archives: reliance

Week 6 Assignment

Assignment: Over a two-day period, do the following:

DAY 1 – create a diary of when, why and what you use your mobile device for. Observe how others are using their mobile devices. What are the most common uses and where do you see these behaviors?

Day 1 (00:00am to 11.59pm 11 Sept 2016)

Personal Usage

Doing some research work at Starbucks and made impromptu plans with siblings;

caught The Happy Film at Shaw Lido, Orchard

*Safari— Googling something quick, checking for fast information on-the-go

*iMessage/WhatsApp— Messaging my siblings/ friends to make plans (impromptu and in advance)

*Notes/ Photos— Referencing photos/notes I’ve taken down (Retrieving my Archive)

*Calendar— Check for Plans (Calendar/ Organising time)

*Alarm/Unlock Screen— Alarm/ Time check

*Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat— Social Media (sharing interesting articles/videos, news- Paralympics, zika, finding out what others are doing)

What others use their phones for, and I don’t:

  • Music (on-the-go, in public and private spaces)
  • Video Streaming (on-the-go, especially on public transportations)

Reasons for the difference in usage behaviors; alternative devices for substitute

  • Music (limited memory space); substitute: iPod
    — curated music playlists / block out surrounding noise / environment
  • Video Streaming (keeping my data usage lower); substitute: Macbook
    — macbook uses: Research, Videos, Googling, Messaging, Social media (esp. Facebook)

DAY 2 – Do not use your phone, computer or electronic device for 24 hours. Create a diary documenting and describing the difference in your behavior patterns. How did you do the things you would normally do with your phone? What other alternative behaviors did you develop? What else did you notice about the difference in behavior?

Day 2 (00:00am to 11.59pm 12 Sept 2016)

Out running an errand at shopping centers— Marina Square

*Safari— googling made impossible. I have to rely on memory & recollection of data using my brain while I was out and trying to navigate to places. Looked at MRT maps, way-finding signages & directory at Marina Square.

*iMessage/WhatsApp— Leave written notes around on the kitchen table as form of communication with family members

*Notes/ Photos— Retrieving archive made impossible, whereas making notes are still possible with Paper & Pen

*Calendar— Couldn’t recall what I did for the past week/month. And time organisation for future appointments were to be handwritten/ make a mental note. Tried not to make plans too far ahead for time being. Reliance on my iCalendar is real

*Alarm/Unlock Screen— thankfully I didn’t need to set any Alarm as I do not own a physical alarm clock, oh the horror. Time check is still possible using my trustworthy watch

*Instagram/Facebook/Snapchat— Social Media not possible finding out about other people without my mobile phone.