< Research & Process >

Through Project 2a, I have decided to focus on YELLOW COLOUR as the element of my zine.

Back cover (left) and cover (right) tryout

/ Initial idea /
Foodie adventure photozine

  • Empty stomach on page 1 (cover) to indicate the state before feasting the good food from Bedok
  • Filled tummy on page 8 (back cover) with checkpoints (food places intro) to indicate state after going through the recommended food places in Bedok


Image result for collage zine  
Reference (left) and Spread 1 tryout (right)

  • Initial spread 1 layout was referencing towards pop art cover layout instead of spread layout. Therefore, spread did not look appropriate.
  • Barely any visual hierarchy as the images appear to be of similar sizes.
  • Use of split complementary colors to make the spread look more harmonious.


/ Comments /

  1. Zine is about food so cover page should include the food that will be featured instead for anatomy.
  2. Photo angles can be limiting when shooting food stores, like the bakery. Illustrations of more interesting angles can be included.

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