Exercise 2 – Abstract Compositions (Black & White)

I love this exercise – to represent the essence of a story through emphasising, simplifying and adding a little bit more interest with love.

Frame 1-6:thelittleprince1_small

Frame 7-12:

Yes, it is the tale of your Little Prince.

(1) Once upon a boy, he had nothing but love but received nothing but misunderstandings.

(2) The little prince, alone, left his lonely planet.

(3) Through space and time travelled him, searching for meaning.

(4) Different as the worlds may seem, the ridiculousness of adulthood is universal.

(5) Through space and time travelled him, searching until the next landing.

(6) This planet is a bit different, but what was it?

(7) The world is alien to me in the same way, he thought.

(8) Then he came across a little fox, who was meant to be.

(9) Hold as long as it feels, love as soon as they found. Day and night, rain or shine, the fox didn’t speak, the boy never cried, again.

(10) “I almost forget about my rose, little fox, have I told you that I had a rose? I once had her on my lonely planet. She had only me on the lonely planet. I have indeed stopped thinking about her now. She might just want some watering again. A bit warmth is also needed to keep her strong. Would you ever miss someone, little fox? I mean, I think she needs me now.”

(11) Through space and time travelled him, running for his only love and treasure.

(12) “Here I am the little prince. Having you is enough for my whole little planet. Do you know that? Nothing else I have seen can complete me.

Here I am as I will always be. Having you is enough and I shall never leave. Do you know that I love you? Ever and Forever I will always be.

Rose. My rose. I love you on my own and I will always be~”

I enjoyed working with Shirley (Li Xintong). We are the perfect match, inspiring each other through being ourselves – sensitive and imaginative.

We used photoshop to transform the pieces of elements in each frame applying the newly learned concepts of design.


The concepts I learned:

  1. Balance & Harmony: To provide a sense of balance, we need to consider the size, proportion and position of each element. We applied (1) Symmetrical: Frame 6, 8; (2) Asymmetrical: Frame 2, 10; (3) Radial Balance: Frame 5, 9; (3) Crystallographic Balance: Frame 3, 4.

  2. Unity & Variety: We added interest to the reading experience through both chaos and order. We created Unity & Variety by alignment: Frame 3, 4, 10 (all has unity alignment but varies to different extents).

  3. Emphasis: We applied a lot of technics to certain things stand out in concert with our story. We used (1) Contrast: Frame 1, 2, 7, 11; (2) Isolation: Frame 6; (3) Placement: Frame 5, 12; (4) Convergence: Frame 8.

  4. Rhythm: Repetition is fun, especially if you put your heart into the details. We applied (1) Flowing: Frame 5; (2) Alternating: Frame 10 (alternating height of trees); (3) Progressive: Frame 6 (the progressive length and width of lines at the bottom of the planet).


In the end, I want to quote Captain America to express my feeling after the exercise: I can do this all day (≧∀≦)ゞ