Inspirations & Drawing Tools Set


  1. E. O. Plauen

The artwork style is simple but the line is accurate and dramatic. And the thickness of lines are varied. Most of time the turning is quite sharp.

2. Sumeragi Natsuki

Sharp turning, especially for clothing, the lines for face and hands are more rounded and thinner. The line is thinner but still has the varied of thickness. More details inside.

3. Other references


Sketch books and tool sets

I have got 3 sketch books, one is A4 size mostly for pencil drawing, the paper is quite rough so it’s easy for shading, but if use brush I’m afraid it might leak to next page.

That’s why I got the A5 size sketch book. The paper is thicker and can be painted by brush.

Then I got the gray toned sketch book, this one I just wanna try if with only black and white what will my drawing looks like – how much informations I can put inside and will it be faster as well

Pencils and chinamarker


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