Micro-Project 1 – Creating the Third Space

My Posts

1. Why did you choose this space or object to photograph?

“Even though schooling is tough, remember free food is there waiting for you”

The news of ‘free food’ was heard when I was wondering around. Everyone was rushing down with excitement and eating with joy, so was I. This picnic place is recorded by photographs and they refresh people’s memories of our first Experimental Interaction lesson. It reminds me of the memories of having free food in ADM, e.g. Halloween day, scholar events. Free food lightens my day during the stressful ADM life. Thank you to all the ‘free food’ which enriches our ADM community. 


2. What are some of the characteristics of this alternative virtual space you had created collectively?

This virtual space reflects life of ADM students. They create bonds and resonance of the art students. Each post shows a specific memory and shows the personality of the person who posted.


ADM students’ struggle before deadlines:

Eat, live and sleep at ADM 

Locker of our class during Semester 1:

So pleased to have such a harmonious class


3. Under what circumstance will this alternative virtual space change?

This alternative virtual space will change when our perceptive of the space change. Emotions and thoughts (behaviour) of the audiences are the main element to define this space. It is a subjective space to every individual. “Like” and “comment” allow us to share our mindsets to others which also cause it to change.


4. How does this project relate to what we discussed in the lecture regarding co-creation, the concept of Do-It-Yourself (DIY), Do-It-With-Others (DIWO)?

DIY is something you create yourself, for example IKEA furniture and cooking. Yoko Ono ‘s “Cut Piece” is an example of co-creation. Artist sets the rule by allowing each audience to cut a piece of her clothing while she remained motionless until most of her clothing was cut away and must call it off. It involves both artist and audiences to create an art piece collaboratively. In this micro-project, the photographs are examples of DIY and the alternative virtual space is DIWO, allowing others to react on posts and co-create the virtual space. 

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