Crowd-Sourced Art [Y1: EI. Micro-Project 2]


Group project with Ellie, JiaXi and Hami 

Collaborative drawing 

Used medium: Aggie which everyone can draw at the same time

First 10 mins after we sent the link


We sent this link to our friends and classmates through whatsapp groups.

Instruction: Draw anything to represent your current mood for the day

Limitation: Size of the panel, we cannot give other instruction to influence the participators


  • Anonymous, so anyone can draw whatever they want, share their current mood, to express themselves
  • No editor to finalise the work so it might be a mess
  • People cannot erase others’ works, can only overlap others’ works or cover them with white- moral issue
  • This activity will connect strangers in a single drawing panel


  • Trends were created– if someone write words, others follow. Example: Someone wrote ♡EMMA♡, another person followed by writing 明♡
  • Some participants didn’t follow the given instruction- write names that cannot represent mood for the day
  • Most of the people didn’t inform me in whatsapp group after they had participated- they did it for fun, not because of the relationships between us. Possible reasons: Sounds interesting, can draw freely with no restriction
  • Many people drew with the default blue colour- they were still restricted in the given box
  • No one continues works created by others
  • Someone covered others’ work by blocks
  • ADM’s friends asked me what is this about, how’s the lesson so far afterwards- connects me and my friends
  • A whatsapp group revived after I sent the link

Final stage of the piece



Purpose: allows people to express and share their feelings, lighten their day, to keep in touch with friends

This activity shows participants’ emotion of the day. Their personality can be observed through the drawing. I can probably tell who drew particular parts.


How is your crowd-sourced project different from one that is created by a single artist/creator?

This project is an DIWO piece. It involves interaction between participants. People are contributing to create a piece, while people can only view and appreciate art piece that is created by a single artist.

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