Honestly, my first impressions of the light up was …… it’s so red. It almost makes the whiteness of the buildings unnoticeable, maybe that’s that the reason why they chose predominantly white buildings for the project. Most of the buildings were just lit up with red lights and white light maybe for a patriotic reason since this event was to commemorate national day. I actually walk through most of the venues since they were only a short distance away from one another. The exhibitions were pretty similar but the audience was really greeted with an obnoxious shade of red that was for some part uncomfortable to see. In fact, most memorable thing on this trip for me was walking past the volunteers’ tent at the National Museum and getting jump scared at their shout when they won at a game of mahjong or whatever they were playing.  It might have been a good idea though to bring a picnic mat to the National Gallery to sit there and just watch the screen with the scrolling paintings. Overall it seems to be a patriotic message.

It would have been good if there were different meanings of history and cultural aspects to the works that stir up nostalgia for the audience though.