Micro-Project 1- Creating the Third Space.

The idea of space is very subjective, it can be a physical or non physical imagination and I would like to take mine into physical space, not one, but many. Yes, the lockers. I have decided to choose these lockers are the are storage spaces and they are located within a space in ADM, hence a spac-eption of spaces in space.

These lockers resembles the student’s own hideout where they keep whatever they want, it forms a secret space that is not known to others other than the users themselves. Secondly, this is like a memory space with work from current and previous batches of users.

This space will change in the event that the locker doors are pry open, exposing everyone’s personal spaces. In this case, it is no longer a secret space anymore where student without locker will feel exclusive as everything is open, they will feel that the lockers are just a part of the corridor.

This relates to Do-It-With-Others (DIWO) because everyone shares the same purpose,  storing their personal belongings. It highlights the exclusiveness of keeping their belongings safe by locking out from public but the inclusiveness as everybody share the same spot for their lockers.

Prior to choosing the lockers corner, I was confused with the idea of the third space and how does it link to DIWO or Do-It-yourself (DIY) in this case. Which I actually took different parts of ADM that I felt has meaning to me, based on my understanding of how a space is, which is practically a spot, location. Thus these are the pictures that I had took, and each will be written with a caption for my rationale on choosing them.

To me, toilet is like a personal space that I like to go to as it is like a private place for me, due to the fact that there are no other daily activities involving high human traffic, it is a good place for me to enjoy the peacefulness from the busy world.

The classroom, it being the fact that how a classroom is a place that can be turn into a space that is bustling with activities when it is occupy and how it turn into a ghost space when it is not occupy. I have decided to make use of this opportunity to create the effect of an empty space, despite it being filled with chairs that makes the room appear filled, not having any human soul will make it seems empty instead.

This is based on the concrete slabs outside the basement, why did I want to photograph this is because of a humorous thought that I have, the design is based on minimal space, as the concrete slabs are not connected but rather separated with the gap like this in the picture. Hence the space that I want to depict is how minimal space will lead to a hazardous space too as students might accidentally step into the gap at night if they are not aware.

The space, or what was told as the “battlefield” from freshman orientation program. This is a significant space to me as I remembered a session of throwing water filled balloons onto the seniors as a battle to dethrone the evil camp president. That moment reminds me of how a small space like this can create a tense atmosphere as a battle space.

Last but not least, the entrance. During our initiation into ADM as a formal student from the camp, we were splashed with water here exactly. Hence this space served a meaningful moment to me as it was also known as the unforgettable memory space, at this exact place, I was officially welcomed as a true blue ADM student.

In conclusion, my main subject is on the lockers. Reason being that the lockers are technically spaces for people to keep their belongings and they are their individual private spaces but the interesting thing is how these private spaces are located together at a shared spaced which is the pathway that student will walk along. Thus this is why I have decided to touch onto the third space, it being that since there are a combination of personal private and public shared spaces, it will fused into a different meaning of space that is secretive yet open which is like a third dimensional space that users only know what is in there and not being the owner of the locker space will not know, which you can only guess with your imagination on what is actually inside.