Project Development Drawings

Our Team consist of me, Chien Ping and Kok Li Xuan.

How does your audience experience your project?

The audience is required to wear the cap and participate in the activity of completing the last jigsaw puzzle on the table where the other participants will be standing at. The intention is to let the movement of the other participants be capture by the PIR motion sension, which will cause a sudden trigger of the DC motor to drill against the forehead of the the main participant to feel the shock and uninform discomfort.

Is it for a single person to engage with your project or for multiple participants concurrently?

We are looking into having multiple participants to be engaged in this activity. The more participants present, the better the outcome of the sensor as it can track down a wider range of movements.

What is the interaction or situation you are creating for your audience?

We are looking into creating a situation where the PIR motion sensor will capture the movement of the participants at the table, which cause the DC motor to drill against the forehead of the main participant. The discomfort is to let the main participant figure out what is the main cause of the DC motor. We are creating a situation for the main participant will question his or her decision for participating in the jig saw puzzle and whether the action of doing the jig saw puzzle has any connection to the uncomfortable sensation of the DC motor drilling against his or her forehead.

What is the intention of this interaction?

The intention is to let the main participant find out that the presence of other participants at the table that he or she goes to is directly link to the DC motor that is drilling against his or her forehead. This is to let the main participant know that he or she need to void the presence of other participants to ensure that the PIR sensor does not capture any movement to prevent the DC motor from drilling on their forehead.

The intention of this interaction is to look into the meaning of loneliness. The loneliness of feeling left out by the rest of the participants as they are having fun at the table where you could not go to join them as their presence actually gives you discomfort.

This comes to the point that we are actually looking deeper into getting left out through self-initiated loneliness, as it is an issue where some people suffer from depression or anxiety from situation with too many people. They will feel a sudden unexplained discomfort with too many people and they have to avoid them to be alone. This is to let participants find out how it will feel. Firstly as they approach the crowd, the DC motor will give them discomfort. Secondly, they have no choice but to move away from the presence of others. Lastly, he or she is by herself with the final jigsaw piece that it not completed. The final incomplete puzzle piece is to signify loneliness as it resembles the main participant who could not fit with the rest of the puzzles, who are represented by the other participants having fun together.


Rodriguez, Diana. n.d. How to Cope With Anxiety and Depression. everydayhealth. Retrieved March 28, 2019 from.