in Motif Development / Sketches

More Motifs + Layout Experimentations

From last last week: Finished the rest of my motifs, through my tracing method (should post pictures of them soon, took me freaking hours for just one imagine.. ANYWAYS)

From last week: From the consult to current progress, the first four are what I had for the stand up and the comments were mainly about layering and deciding on the colour palettes.

I’m lazy to save all the different tries, but here are some at the moment. The first 2 are just my initial layout with the leaf patterned overlay at the back. Colour wise, I was going with more fun pop of vibrant colours, with the crows and the moths in the lightest to attract the most attention, after all they are the “badluck” that we see, and the “goodluck” plants are a supplement to the whole piece. Then tried with different background colours. In 3 and 4, I changed the layout, adding more branches, and playing with opacity in the motifs itself (not sure if it’s obvious here), and I have 2 sets of colours, for branches – more black at the bottom and more blue at the top, and etc with other motifs, wanted to try for a gradient. It looks messy, I’m not sure if that’s nice or in line with the “chaotic pattern” like of thing. Hmm.

Right now I’m working on more colour stuff. I’m more concerned with that, I think the layout can work itself out once I got my colours.