Pattern – Moodboarding

The supernatural is a sensitive subject for me as I grew up with conservative family, specifically my mother, who will tell me to avoid doing certain things for fear of angering or attracting spirits. Its something that I will have an irrational paranoia over, and do my best to not break these rules.

However, I would like to consider this fear aside from the topic and instead add my own touch of imagination, using interesting visuals to beautify and mystify. After all, the supernatural might not be scary to everyone, but it sure does mystify and leave us wondering.

My concept ideas are selected from some of my favourite graphic artists, as their works and motifs create the same atmosphere I would want to portray the supernatural in. The subject matters are likely to be animals and most likely paired with intricate line work.

Artist 1: Henrik Uldalen – Human portraits, usually with the subject matter eyes closed, unaware and floating. Always has an interesting texture going on, either misty and smokiness, or wrinkles and blotches of paint.

Theme: Existentialism, Human and Spiritual Realms, Fading/Wasting away

Artist 2: Marco Mazzoni – Animals or humans hybridized with flora of sorts. Colours are intense but muted and have a fantasy element in their design. Subject matter are rendered softly and have a flowy quality in their shape and lines.

Theme: Fantastical creatures, Spiritual Realm

Artist 3: Archan Nair – Bright colours and rough outlines pattern the subject matter. Heavy filled character against a plain background makes it look rigid and strong while the strokes of colour provide a magical quality about the animals.

Theme: Fantastical creatures, Spiritual Realm