2D Foundation Project 2: “Forrest Gump” Research. (12 Sept 2016)


Our second project for 2D foundation class is called ‘Forrest Gump’! So let me start my research before we dive right into the course work!

Project Brief:

Create a visual narrative that expresses each movie quote of your choice using only symbols, pictograms, dingbats(ornaments), icons and engravings as your visual vocabulary.

The old engraving imagery puts the composition into historical context. You are to manipulate, alter and deconstruct the found graphic imagery to transcend its original meaning through the creation of the indicated narratives. Pay particular attention to the application of design principles to create visually engaging compositions.





A mark that is universally recognized to represent an object, action or situation.



Pictograms are pictorial symbols for a word or phrase. Pictographs were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC.


Pictograms are also used as pictorial representation of statistics on a chart, graph, or computer screen.


A dingbat is an ornament (used for decoration/embellishment), character, or spacer used in typesetting (composition of texts), often employed for the creation of box frames.


The term continues to be used in the computer industry to describe typeface that have symbols and shapes in the positions designated for alphabetical or numeric characters.

Dingbats2StrongForms dingbats-hero_image

In summary, I understand Dingbats as a form of ornamental embellishment OR symbols or shape that acts as a semiotic. (Correct me if I am wrong surprised)



Icon has a physical resemblance to the signified, the symbol being represented and is usually a pictorial representation.




Engraving is putting a design onto a hard, flat surface (stone, wood, metal etc.), by carving into it resulting in a decorative piece.


Or may provide a printing plate of copper or another metal, for printing images on paper which are also called engravings.


More research will be done on my visual journal starting from this project onwards (I hope), and I will be uploading images of my journal in the furure!


Seng Yi Ling~smile

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