YUDORI – Post-colonial feminist artist

Yudori is an illustrator and comic artist whose uniqueness comes in her strong narrative voice and her post-modern perspective.

She is flippantly contradictory; rude for conservative taste and rebelling against feminist progressive narratives. Her works redefines the female identity, subjugating, dissecting and reincarnating it. In the age of political correctness, her transgressive tone makes her a controversial independent artist. Her resilience to stick loudly by her values and not sell out is a great source of inspiration.


Post modern feminist discourse

Her works are post-modern, criticizing and subverting existing trends within regressive leftism. She uses humor to retaliate against the leftist wave of feminist empowerment, breaking the dichotomous structure of the modern discourse of womanhood. Her art jokes at regressive empowerment standards and thoroughly embraces the multifaceted expression of womanhood and femininity.

I want to be a Princess, Instagram @yudori, 2020


Post Colonial Rebellion

Her works free the Asian body from western gender discourse, free from western feminism and free from the western gaze.

You Melt Me, Web series, 2019

Her works bear resemblance to Marji Satrapi’s Persepolis, where both artists engage a critical perspective in evaluating and unfolding the cultural differences between east and west in perspectives and in relationships. Yudori’s works convey a world many Westerners have only experienced from a Western perceptive. She sensitively and truthfully illustrates her Asian perspective and development, breaking down established gender and cultural roles in her stories, redesigning the Asian identity in the western sphere of understanding.


As an independent artist, Yudori has shared experiences of repeated failures and countless rejections due to her strong voice. Yet her fiery perseverance to not “sell out” is the reason for her large following and global success. From requesting for Ko-fi donations for webtoons to success in Europe’s , her journey of staying true to artistic ideals is something which deeply inspires me.