Project 2 Zine: Layout Research


My aim of making this zine is to trigger the sense of nostalgia and belonging from the bottom of viewers’ hearts.

Concept and Ideation

A series of heavily photo-based pages will be created along with illustrations created upon the understanding of these photos.

Layout Reference

For combination between typography and photography, I will choose those which can be used for photography zine. Typos can serve as both information and decoration purposes.

 Typography in photography.

Typo on the edge of photo.

Typo scatter in and out of photo.

Negative space of typo with photo



For the layout of the photography itself:

B&W photo against a W&B background.


Photography split with illustration

Illustration in photography


For typography itself:

Color contrast



Text repetition


Also, I could insert layers of paper strips to add more visual design elements into my final zine.

Author: Yinfeng

A young man crave peaceful life full of excitement.

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