Micro-project: Video Double

Walking in the middle of the night, my alter ego feels most energetic at this time of the day. It is absurd. While nobody but a bunch of crazy dancers hang out on the road where no cars speed. People call it YOLO. I call it dancer’s life to the power of uni life. I feel physically tired actually. I am looking at the glittering light of a street lamp, like trying to grasp the meaning behind it while people are laughing in the background.

2 thoughts on “Micro-project: Video Double”

  1. I like the spontaneity of the video, the shadow as double moving into the light. Very poetic. It seems as though the narrative of the piece emerged without planning, just capturing the moment, whatever situation presented itself. Is that the case, was it at all planned?

    1. The video was shot without planning. I guess that spontaneity also showed something about my aspirations – following my passions with greater ease.

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