Final Project! The Book of Reflection and Inspirations :D

So this is the Final project. Its a little different from the previous projects in that its actually not film related. No narrative no story to tell! Instead its a completely different approach that we are facing!

I have to admit this is definitely not my strength and the entire project proved to be rather challenging for me, both the concept and the building of the installation itself. Finally after weeks of thinking, consultation, refining, ….the idea is out!

My installation is called the Book of reflections and inspirations.

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Title of installation:


Book of Reflection and Inspiration


Installation Summary:


What this work is about

This work is about drawing the user’s attention to opening the book installation. The book serves as a medium for users to reflect upon themselves and to seek creative inspirations for their work. The cover of the book is portrayed by a aged tree, an iconic sign of knowledge and wisdom. Within the book viewers will encounter two mirrors. The left mirror contains negative personality traits and right contains positive ones. Users will see two sides of themselves in the mirror, the good and bad side. It allows viewers to reflect on both their strength and weaknesses and sets them thinking how they can optimize their potential and minimize their flaws to the fullest. Viewers can pen down their personal traits and contribute it to the respective sides of the mirror. This is to foster interactivity and to allow subsequent viewer understand that they are not alone.




User experience



The installation is a mockup book. It will be placed at the lone corner seat by the pillar. The corner is meant to be a place for students to reflect upon and seek inspirations on themselves. Upon reaching for the book, the first thing the viewer will see is the cover, which is an image of a tree with six branches. The tree signify wisdom and wealth of knowledge the library possess, and the 6 branches represent the different data we can access to in the library based on the 6 specialization in ADM. It also signifies how despite being different majors, eventually the studies are all interconnected and interdependent of one another.


Upon opening the book, viewer will face two mirrors in place of the page. On one side of the mirror it will be negative traits of a person and right side, positive traits. While looking into the mirror, viewers sees two reflections, one with the bad and one with the good traits. It allows us to reflect on both our strength and weaknesses and sets the viewer into thinking about how they can minimize or make full use of their weakness, turning them into potential strength, and how they can amplify their strengths to greater heights.


Viewers are then allowed to use a piece of magic tape to pen down their weaknesses or strength and stick them onto the mirror. This is to foster interactivity and to allow subsequent viewers to understand that they are not alone.


Description of installation:


The material used would be cardboard, Styrofoam, mirrors and tape.

There will also be music playing in the background from the laptop or phone.


Visualization of installation:

 The book itself !


The material used would be cardboard, Styrofoam, mirrors and tape. The final product is a mockup book which will just be simply placed on the intended area with no complicated installation process.

There will also be soft and soothing music playing in the background from the laptop or phone, which will be removed once the critique session is over.



This work is about drawing the user’s attention to opening the book installation. The book serves as a medium for users to reflect upon themselves and to seek creative inspirations for their work. The cover of the book is portrayed by an aged tree, an iconic sign of knowledge and wisdom. Within the book viewers will encounter two mirrors. The left mirror contains negative personality traits and right contains positive ones. Users will see two sides of themselves in the mirror, the good and bad side. It allows viewers to reflect on both their strength and weaknesses and sets them thinking how they can minimize their flaws and optimize their potential to the fullest.


Viewers can pen down their personal traits and contribute it to the respective sides of the mirror. This is to foster interactivity and to allow subsequent viewer to understand that they are not alone. The users of this installation will experience the journey of seeking inspirations hopefully through segregating their traits and thinking about how they can put their strength to good use.



In conclusion it was not easy but definitely a fun experience for me. critique session was also more interesting when you get to scour around the library in an attempt to search for your classmate’s hidden work. What a way to end Foundation 4D !!

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