Year 2 sem 2 – Narrative for interaction Week 9 – Phone export and try

Exporting to phone is not an easy process as I need to download many different softwares like JDK (Java Development Kit) to make it work, I am not sure how does it even work when it failed countless of times, I also switched my phone into developer mode and somehow the app appeared in my phone when I’ve export it to my computer. Most of the thing I’ve followed this video, and i just try again after it fail.

This is what I have after the export, It is basically too lag to be played properly and the experience of the game if it lag is not worth the time playing it and It will be rage inducing if it is at this level of lagness.

After this, i decided to scrape the idea of making a phone game and focus on computer platform as computer have much higher processing and rendering power.

Author: Ong Zi Feng

Just doing things, making stuffs.

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