Final Project + Title Screen

Final Title Sequence: Gunned Down

The theme for this title sequence was inspired by the recent news reports that I have seen regarding school shootings in the United States of America. Even with multiple school shooting cases such as the ones that happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, school shootings and gun violence still occur frequently. Thus, I made this title sequence as a possible title sequence for a documentary on gun violence in schools.


Final Project: Memories

During the ideation phase of what to create as my final project, my grandfather whom I was very close to, passed away unexpectedly. Thus, that became my inspiration for this short. I went around to places that he used to go and places that he use to live at to film. As all these places hold so much memories of him. And by piecing the shots together together with his favourite song, it helps set the mood as a short that is done in memory of him.

I did really enjoy the process of making this short for the final project as it was something that was really close to me and at the same time, holds a lot of emotions and memories. Having to go back to places that contains so much memories was a way for me to heal from the grief that I had when my grandfather passed away so unexpectedly.


My initial idea was to overlay a voice narration throughout the shot but I removed the narration for the final project as I felt like it didn’t really suit the mood that I was trying to portray. Below is a cut of the short with  narration.

Visual Storytelling: Run (Final Animatic)

Story Description:

A story of me running away from a monster throwing “stress balls” like bad grades and school work. Getting hit by the ball, I start cracking and the only way to stop cracking is to get to the hourglass. But as time starts depleting, I chase after the hourglass to stop everything. Eventually arriving at victory.