in Assignment 1

Curating Self : Task 2 – My World


“My Room is My Sanctuary”


Photo Series 

Introspection & Solitude

Deep Work That Brings Me Fulfilment

Bookshelves By The Door

A Place To Recuperate

A Part Of My Life



My room has accompanied me on the roller coaster ride in life, where there are many ups and downs. It served many different aspects to my needs in life that I have forged a strong sense of belonging at. I often called it as my sanctuary.

My sanctuary holds all kind of memories in my life. It is a part of me and my life.

My sanctuary is a place where my dreams and future build. I spend many nights in this room clocking in only 4 hours of sleep, sometimes not sleeping for 48 hours, as I spend my time grinding it out to work on my passion, honing my skill, trading, building my freelance business, and self-development. Not getting enough sleep is a norm to my lifestyle, but I truly enjoyed it from the bottom of my heart. At midnight, the traffic outside the window subsidies to emptiness, when everyone had already tuned into their dreams, sleeping soundly, everything will gradually quieten down as the night proceeds. At that moment, I can feel the space of my room distinctly, as if its presence subtly surround me, while a sense of blissfulness and gratitude fills me, I truly feel grateful to have a room for myself. As the night follows, I bury myself into a world of knowledge once again.

Next, my sanctuary is a place where I longed to heal, during moments where my life crashed into a wall of disappointment, where I face tremendous setbacks, and fear, pain and doubts began to overwhelm me.  I might begin to form all sorts of negative and limiting belief within me. At those moments, I will always return to my sanctuary with the hopes to heal myself. Within hours when I stepped into my room, the weight of my emotional baggage will slowly begin to diminish into the thin air. What happened? I would begin to reflect, pen down my thoughts, introspect while locking myself in my room as I spend my time in solitude. I would either go to the window and gaze out into the distance, take a deep breathe and think about my problems then proceed to form a solution afterwards. Or, I would just walk to my favourite workplace to surf the internet for life perspectives from some of my favourite self-development speaker. Each time after recovering from my low mood, I truly appreciate how much I needed a place of solitary, to be away from all the chaos in the world.

Next, my sanctuary is also a spot where I do deep work that brings me true fulfilment in life and, a place where I learn a ton of knowledge. I love what I do and I drive myself hard towards working on my passion. I try to not see the outcome as the reward, but the continuous learning journey that I am able to learn new things, that makes my life so exciting. Not forgetting that my room has always been the place that provided me with all the comfort and facilities to facilitate my learning effectively. At my workplace, I have a notice-board, where I used it to plan my upcoming week on the things that I need to do in order to maximise my productivity, to take note of the things I missed, to notify myself of my future plans in life on where I wanna be, what I am gonna do, and other miscellaneous stuff as well. In addition, at the top right of my room, there holds a bookshelf, where my fountain of knowledge is. As you might have guessed it, it is a place where I gain wisdom from, most of the time, including my life experience as well. Books have made me developed me into a better person, brought me out from the lowest point in life, taught me skills that I wouldn’t be able to learn outside, it had changed my life.

At last, my sanctuary had been one of the most important pillars of my life to bring me through the battles and obstacles I face in life. It gave me the space to do anything I want, to build my life on it, to think creatively, to recuperate myself, etc. As I go about my everyday life, my sanctuary has naturally blend into my daily lifestyle, and it became part of me. It is almost as if it holds a deeper meaning than just a mere room itself. It felt like my identity existed within this very space.


  1. Much concise and well expressed now than before! The first photo does sum up your expression of your room very well. “A Place To Recuperate”  is a good pair to the first photo. Lets see how it looks like if you place them side by side.