Key Work Selection: Footfalls

Out of all of Levin’s works, one that I was particularly interested in was his work entitled Footfalls:

Commissioned in July 2016 by the NTT InterCommunicationsCenter (ICC), Tokyo, Footfalls is an installation done in collaboration with Levin and Zachary Liberman. This interactive audiovisual installation sees visitors stomping their feet to create the falling avalanche of bouncy visual forms (eg. balls), seen in the video below:

Microphones installed under the floor of Footfalls will detect the sounds produced by visitors’ feet upon stepping and stomping. The louder the sound, the larger the size of the virtual object that will fall from a six-meter high projection. Similarly, the harder the stomp, the more the number of virtual objects that will fall. The visitor can then use their silhouettes to move the objects around (eg. catching and throwing them).

I found this installation interesting as it plays on the idea of interactivity, whereby the visitors engage with technology through their everyday movements that they are so familiar with (like spreading their hands out whilst trying to catch the falling virtual objects). I would also like to further explore the idea of how a visitor’s individual interaction with Footfalls could also trigger interaction with other visitors (eg. seeing them work together to catch more virtual objects on the screen), thereby further establishing deeper connection.

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