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Illustration For Designer: Editorial (Research - 3) Composition Sketches

Rachel Ng

Thursday, Mar 01, 2018 - 06:34:08 pm


This is my Thumbnail Sketch on post-it for my composition:)

1-3, 5-7: I want to bring out the two side of of perspective in this composition, one side is the designer thoughts and another side is the stereotype thoughts people have towards designer.

4, This is one of my weakest composition i feel, personally I wanted to try Read more →

Hi Rachel! I really like your theme on Empathy and the topic you've chose as it is relatable amongst art and design student! Hence, you've already gotten a very obvious target audience that will be drawn to your choice of topic and cover! :D On first glance, the sketch that grabbed my attention the fastest is number 16! :) The idea of using a Gatchapon machine ( The dollar twist thing ;)) is really great! Because I a designer often has to twist their brain into thinking and satidfy the requirements of their clients, but on the outside, people who see the gatchapon machine just assume that upon paying the money, they can get what they wish for. Hence, I think you can ride on that Gatchapon idea and the PHD one, so for every ball capsule is the hard work put in for every designer (Eg. Designers slogging out on the designs, where each ball capsule is the designer's work place) and the exterior poster for the machine can just be a very stereotypical advertisement for the Gatchapon game ( E.g. Designers just draw, it is so easy! Just turn to get an easy design!) Then the turing knob can be a brain of the designer ^^ Just a whacky suggestion!