Pre-Recess Remarks and SGBotic

By: dejan.grba |

Most projects you presented today are advancing well. Here is a couple of remarks relevant to all teams’ planning the project development:

  1. During this and recess week, it is essential and I highly advise you to solve and have fully under control the most critical or most difficult technical part(s) of your project.
  2. If you have any questions or dilemmas, or interesting updates, please email me.
  3. Going forward after the recess, you can focus more on less critical tech issues, on elaborating the formal/aesthetic components and even some conceptual aspects which may improve the final project but do not require fundamental redesign.
  4. For any electronics you may need from SGBotic, please get the requirement template, fill it out with your items, and email it to me, so I can forward it to Poh to do the ordering.
  5. After recess, should you need tech assistance for the completion of your project, please let me know. I can employ a senior student with work-study for a limited period of time.
  6. If possible, try to have your projects fully functional two or one week before the end of classes. I will select the most accomplished projects to be showcased with end of semester show in the lobby instead in the lab, and we will need time to plan for that.
  7. Prepare well for the class presentation on your project progress on Wednesday after the recess.

Have a pleasant and productive recess!

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