VC2 – Design+Care Task1A

  1. What are some of the current issues confronting our world today? Amongst them, what is of interest and a cause of concern to you?

    1.  Pets Abandoned.
    Noted on SPCA’s webpage, 50 percent of 7,081 animals brought in were unwanted or abandoned pets and 1,169 were small domestic pets like rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs -often abandoned at void decks. Noted in another section says that in addition to the injured, abused and sick community animals rescued, SPCA took in up to 200 unwanted or abandoned pets each month.

    2. Sleep Deprivation.
    From The Straits Times Singapore, an article states that 44 percent of  people lack sleep on weekdays, and 26 percent on the weekends according to a study by SingHealth Polyclinics. Having less than seven hours of rest per night. Studies shows that the sleep-deprived tend to use mobile devices in bed/bedroom, or they also tend to hold full-time jobs, smoke, and have caffeinated drinks two hours before turning in. A section on Tan Tock Seng Hospital website writes that Singapore is counted to be the 3rd most sleep-deprived of the 43 cities, with only in Tokyo and Seoul the people sleep lesser, and shares the dangers of doing so.

    3. Medicines Can Kill. (Antibiotics)
    NaturalNews, and many wise parents and elderly often as well, warns that too much antibiotics can weaken out immune system and makes the body be more prone to illnesses. They suggest having a diet with food and drinks containing probiotics, good microbes, as a way to repair and maintain a healthy immune system.
    4. Hidden Depression.
    A post from The Straits Times writes about depression as an enigma of sadness and fear. Referring to a study by the Singapore Mental Health Study (SMHS) in 2010, six out of a hundred adults in the general population had suffered from major depression at some point in their life; of whom 43 per cent had suicidal thoughts and 12 per cent had attempted suicide. Six out of 10 of those with major depression had never sought help.

  2. Why is the issue important? Who does it affect and how?
  3. Who do you need to communicate to, and why?
  4. How has visual communication contributed to address the cause?

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