in Project

4D II Project 1: Alter Ego

Video Link:
(Tried multiple times to embed the vimeo video here but unable to so here’s the link to the vimeo version and the YouTube version for convenient viewing here)


The sequence shown in my film is a non-linear storyline. Rather similar to that of a stream of consciousness. It compromises mostly of snapshots of the character’s memories and descriptions of her emotions. The main themes explored in her thoughts are that of love and sexuality. The first part of the monologue introduces her sexual awakening; secondly, an interaction with a lover, and lastly a self-reflection of the way she has been living. The narrative suggests a character who romanticises notions of love and sexuality, through the use of vivid imagery, and wholeheartedly embraces everything, both the negative and positive aspects, and thus, is truly a free-spirit at heart.


After completing the first few tasks of Project 1, I was choosing between two characters, Marina from Marina and the Diamond’s Electra Heart album, and Ririko from the Japanese movie Helter Skelter. However, I decided to explore Marina as it was a theme I had never explored before in art. The character of Marina explored themes of love, sexuality, feminism, and certain social issues. She is someone who lives and loves fearlessly. She romanticises and loves the aesthetics of love, does not care for the person nor the real emotion. I felt an affinity with the character, as similar to her love was an unknown concept to me and I have no real care for it. Instead, I really appreciate the aesthetics of love and I admire Marina for the way she embraces her lifestyle wholeheartedly.

For research, I went to read up on the lyrics of Electra Heart songs more carefully. Through my interpretation of her songs, I drew out certain characteristics I wanted to explore in my monologue. Some characteristics are the openness and free-spirited attitude towards exploring one’s sexuality, and the admiration of the beauty of love without real attachment for the idea.

As for the aesthetics of the film, I initially wanted to explore a similar style to her album but because I couldn’t recreate the elaborate setting, I decided to stick to a rather minimalistic style. Other than that, some other challenges faced are, the difficulty in self- shooting, being both the videographer and actor. The inability to achieve certain images I have in mind due to money and equipment constraints. However, I managed to overcome these challenges with the help of using bits of found footage, as well as being flexible and adapting to what was available.

