If you could have a room of your own, how would you set about decorating it? Chinoiserie? Japonaiserie?

If you could have a room of your own, how would you set about decorating it? Chinoiserie? Japonaiserie?

Decorating my room in Japonaiserie could be interesting and something fresh. Japonaiserie art is very unique. The figures are always in a motion. There is a contrast and depth in every movement of the figures. The composition is bold and there is an assertive outline. The details on the pattern are carefully thought of. The designs are asymmetrical and irregular.

This Monet exhibition captured a lot of attention. There is a brilliant color display and the woman is seen as wrapped up in a kimono and surrounded by fans. She is also wearing a blonde wig to emphasize her Western identity. The color vibrancy and the details can helps to freshen up a room.5556361d0423bdfe088b4568whistler1972144a0f7d6df7561583cb365884462 screen2

This is an example of a room where there will be tea displayed in delicate chinaware decorated with lotus flowers and pretty geisha pictures at the back.



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