in My Work

2D Foundation II – Point of View (Research)

Hi everyone!

I’ve thought of several possible concepts regarding perspective, some ideas I got were “zooming in and out”, optical illusions, and playing with scale. One artist reference would be MC. Esher. He is a dutch artist that draws inspiration from insects, landscapes and plants, and most of his works play along the use of infinity, reflection, symmetry, and lastly, perspective.

3-IMG_1871 2182e9f279f44127a14c07c7cdc1b7be_18 LW410-MC-Escher-Print-Gallery-19561 Escher.HandSphereLR


Attributes (with the word “Dot”)

  1. dot from the point of view of the world is Singapore
  2. dot from the point of view of the a sentence is the end
  3. dot from the point of view of the NYC is the moon
  4. dot from the point of view of a burrito is a speck of pepper
  5. dot from the point of view of a countryside is a crashing plane
  6. dot from the point of view of an artist is a million dollars
  7. dot from the point of view of an photoshop is one-millionth of an image (dot art?)
  8. dot from the point of view of “connect-the-dots” is a bridge
  9. A dot from the point of view of a designer is fashion (polka dots)
  10. A dot from the point of view of a snake is food (the game)
  11. dot from the point of view of caterpillar is eaten food (perspective of looking up)
  12. dot from the point of view of an assassin is a target (binoculars)
  13. dot from the point of view of Japan is the circle of sun
  14. dot from the point of view of Miami beach is a shark/ a drowning man
  15. A dot from the point of view of the rainforest is a new species

    Attributes (with the word “water”)

  1. Water from the point of view of the world is Singapore
  2. Water from the point of view of the whale is life
  3. Water from the point of view of a plant is growth
  4. Water from the point of view of an amazon is refreshing
  5. Water from the point of view of Singapore is Waterloo Street
  6. Water from the point of view of the bartender is gin & tonic
  7. Water from the point of view of a child is a reflection
  8. Water from the point of view of the ink is Art
  9. Water from the point of view of the hot air balloon is fuel (liquefied gas)
  10. Water from the point of view of the a jellyfish is wonderland

Attributes (with the word “trees”)

  1. Trees from the point of view of the Tarzan is shelter
  2. Trees from the point of view of an architect is a treehouse
  3. Trees from the point of view of an office is a piled up work
  4. Trees from the point of view of the ocean is a transport (sampan)
  5. Trees from the point of view of an owl is a hiding spot
  6. Trees from the point of view of a bulldozer is a work
  7. Trees from the point of view of a Christmas is a money making
  8. Trees from the point of view of a kids is Christmas